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Daniel David Freeman's Illustrated Tour of Barcelona


Editor’s note: Daniel David Freeman is a London-based artist. We sent him to Barcelona to document the city’s museums and tourist sights. This is what he came back with. Firstly, though, a few words from Daniel himself:

The final drawings you see are refined versions of the scribbles I did out and about in Barcelona, combined with the hundreds of reference photos I took. I would have liked to spend the days drawing in the actual places I visited but they were all too busy. 

My favourite place was Museo De Cera – the wax museum. It’s incredible. There are so many imperfections and inconsistencies throughout. It’s hard to work out: are the people who work there in on the joke? Is it all carefully considered and deliberately off-piste to give you the Lynchian experience you get there? I can’t express how much I liked it in there — Dan. 


Generator Barcelona Awaits