Haunted Ruin atop Montpelier Hill - Photo of Alex Pieussergues DISCOVER MORE: local artists interviews monuments dublin The French photographer snaps a haunted ruin atop Montpelier Hill, County Dublin. Alex Pieussergues is a French photographer based in Ireland. His picture moodily captures the Hell Fire Club, a building dating to 1725 and home of the Irish Hell Fire Club, claimed at the time to be a debauched occultist group. Reportedly haunted by ghosts, Alex regaled us with the evening he was shooting: "I took this photo during an evening sunset in January last year. It was frozen and, in the face of this sinister monument falling into darkness, time seemed to go on forever while I was photographing it with a long exposure technique. A cold night, a dark atmosphere, a strange light and a haunted building. But a beautiful photo, I hope…” 이용 가능 여부 확인